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The tree of life is the oldest form of meditation and is the best way to describe how the physical body is affected by the environment and causes stress on the human body. Buddha shows that the Stupa has three levels within oneself.




If you can imagine a tree with the roots connected to Earth, the roots of the tree are nourished and protected from the elements. If the roots are strong they will survive the storm.

Our personal roots come from our past experience of the environment, family, friends, associates; this creates a foundation for our lives through the experiences of how we react to situations. If our roots are strong we will overcome the personal storms that occur throughout life. If they are weak we fall with a thump. The roots of the tree are our underworld connection in Greek and Celtic Mythology. In other words, it is what is under us or behind us as we have gone through life. This is the experience of our past; the positive and negative actions that create our perceptions of what our life is, and how we should act in life.


We experience life through three levels of awareness. Underworld middle world, the Upper world; this is easily explained by the Tree of Life.

Imagine a tree with its roots flowing deep into the earth. Our roots are our experiences throughout life that we learned to live by. Similar to a tree we cannot see our roots, but they live in reality within our feelings.

The Middle world is the trunk of the tree that can be seen above ground and is visible to us. The Terrestrial is directly connected to how we make decisions on a daily basis within the world we see.

The Upper world is the upper branches of the tree. We have to look up to see the branches and leaves that soak up the energy of the Sun.

The Upper world is connected to what we think we are. The Sun brings growth to the tree. If we are thinking lower than the leaves of a tree we are not allowing growth into our lives. Not loving oneself.


Underworld is directly connected to our past and the experience of life on Earth, the conscious reality of the self directly associated to our pasts. The past doesn’t exist in the reality of the now. However, it does exist in our memories and the feelings connected to them. In life bad things happen to us and we can think back to them on a continual basis, drawing on the energy of the past every day, which can be very destructive as it allows the fear to be kept alive on a continual basis. As we experience life the environment and the challenges we have to overcome affect us all.

The conscious level of awareness is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves and is directly proportional to the experience of the environment; in fact, the environment is only a mirror image of us.

Whatever we have to learn will be directed toward us through our thoughts and perceptions of how we feel we should react. The Underworld affects us on a physical level throughout our legs. Our legs are our roots from the Hips down. We can hold deep-rooted anger, frustration, and resentment in our legs; the chemicals created by our thoughts flow to our legs causing damage to inflame the joints.

Middle world

The middle world is the life force given off by all life and is directly connected to the subconscious; The subconscious only wants you to live an easy life and will learn what you wish it to learn within the limitations of the environment and endeavor to keep us safe.

It governs our feelings and instinctive reactions to the environment.

For example; when you first learn to drive a car it is a daunting experience. You have to take notice of the road, as well as operate the moving vehicle. You learn not to go through red traffic lights because this symbol means to stop. To pass through a red signal could result in an accident. You are conscious of what you are doing. When you have learned to operate the car, passed the driving test, within a short period of time you can drive to a destination and hardly think about driving the car, as it becomes a second instinct or subconscious act. The subconscious will learn what you wish it to learn and you are the master of it, not the other way round. Throughout life, we have learned to walk and talk, without giving it a second thought.

The subconscious knows our past, present, and future because of the safety aspects of how we feel towards the environment. We can teach it whatever we wish.

Underworld is the experience of life on Earth.

The middle world is the consciousness of the environment.

For example; all humanity desires are love and acceptance from others that we meet. When we are small children we look at life through the eyes of love.

Our past life experience will dictate the environment and the parents that will influence our personal growth and development.

In our teenage years, we endeavor to separate from our parents and their lessons and perceptions of life, teenagers search to develop their own lives with freedom from parental guidance.

Teenagers perceive that they know what they are doing as they experiment with pushing the boundaries of life, and they do this as a natural form of the progression of humanity.

Through this time period, teenagers may become part of a gang and fight for their place in humanity to control others with their actions. This concept still has its base roots in our tribal heritage.

The instinct that young children have to play- fight runs deeper than you think. In an energy format you can see it on a planetary level as well as a personal level. If the strongest wins, the other person is defeated and this causes a reaction.

The first thing to be observed is that this action does not come from love. It comes from the need to be feared by others in the environment. Energy is energy, whether it comes from love or fear, and the environment will dictate the level of fear or love that will flow from others. If we wish to take more control of the environment through fear, it will be reflected back at us and we will find ourselves being controlled by fear.

How would this work? If I wanted people to be frightened of me, I would get a lesson in fear. People would observe the way I walked and talked and I would find myself in a continual fight for control until I decided to stop living in fear. People who have lived a life of fearing, or fighting, live in fear and may find the world never loves them, only fears them. These people may never feel the true power of love from others. The persons that fear or fight for love may live in perpetual fear of other people for the rest of their lives. People that fear, mistake fear for love. Unfortunately, once they have lost the fight they may never learn how to love themselves or others, endeavoring to regain the power, which never really was there in the first place. Love is a stronger power and longer-lasting. Great fighters have come and gone but lovers will always be remembered. The best examples of lovers of people are the Buddha and Jesus Christ.

If we find ourselves wishing to be loved by the environment we would gain a lesson of being unloved. If we want to be more accepted by the environment we would learn a lesson in non-acceptance.

The environment will reflect back the lesson of how we perceive ourselves in the environment. Humans cannot love anyone else more than one can love oneself. We cannot accept others more than we can accept ourselves. To be in control of oneself will give you the ability to control the environment, happiness and success will come naturally.

The areas negatively affected on a physical level by allowing the environment to affect us are the Vital Organs and the Nervous System and Spinal Column.

All humans experiencing life are spiritual beings with the ability to overcome problems with the use of our thoughts and actions.

Humans think between forty thousand to seventy thousand thoughts per day. What we think creates chemicals that flow throughout our body. Very simply, to think happy thoughts create happy chemicals and vice-versa. These chemicals affect our bodies in different ways; stress can build up toxins that attack the physical body after a period of time, causing all kinds of problems. When we are stressed, we more easily become angry and irritated by others around us, and this causes more conflict to our relationships with others.

The biggest question to mankind is why we exist. All humans have feelings and emotions and react according to the environment with Happiness or sadness. Most of us believe that God created everything that is in the Universe. All I am asking with the use of this book is to allow the God within you to help you to overcome these problems that have affected you throughout your life, and trust that the God that created the Universe also created you. Simply by connecting to God within can help you overcome these problems.

You have done everything by yourself to get you this far in life, and we all need a little help now and again. What better help could we ask for than from the big man himself?

We are all part of the universe going through a planetary experience called the Earth. We will be affected by the influence of the planets through the environment. This will dictate to us our personal nature and well being; if the environment is negative towards us we will find that we will respond negatively, even if this endangers our personal safety and well-being. Our thoughts create our emotions and this leads to our actions. By controlling your thoughts you can control your environment.

We are more than we think we are and no one is immune to the human condition; we all have feelings. Accept your feelings and ask God within you to help you to overcome your problems that have negatively affected your happiness on Earth.

As humans, we must learn to give, and release our desires to control the environment by simply controlling oneself.

Upper world

Celestial is the divine consciousness or God-self. On a physical level, this affects the body and on this level can affect everything.

Humans are Universal [God like] with a mind that is connected to the environment, Earth, and Cosmos. Humans are affected by the influence of the planets and the cyclic phases of the Moon. Humans are connected to the life force that is given off by all that exists in life.

Crystals, plants, animals, the Earth, Cosmos, and the Universe are all connected and influenced by Life Force.


The environment is our life force in action.

What is the life force?

All things in the environment give off life force. All life gives off life force.

All basic life; such as trees and flowers, give healing and love to the planet.

Think of the planet earth as a huge crystal sending love to the universe. Lifeforce has been called Prana or Chi and has been made a commonly known exercise through Tai chi… Tai Chi is a very powerful exercise to practice that brings harmony within oneself,

Tai chi is to learn how to exercise our breathing in harmony with our body movements.

Lifeforce is more easily explained by the interactions that we have with other humans. If we find that others love us, we feel safe and secure.

If we find that we are rejected, or not accepted by others in the environment, we start to feel angry and frustrated towards others.

Anger is love and compassion combined; if you didn’t feel passionate about what you love, you wouldn’t get angry. To think of anger through fear decreases your life force and personal energy levels.

The key is to understand that you are still giving love in a negative way with the use of your thoughts.

I admit that no one likes to feel rejected by anyone, but the simple truth is that we are diminishing our personal energy while we are thinking of the rejections.

If we find that we have been rejected, we will start to look for answers to why we have been rejected. Our thoughts create our experience of life by the energy that we place upon the planet. We create our own Universe with the use of our thoughts and perceptions. Since we have been rejected, we feel as if we have to reject others; the question that has to be asked, is “Why”?

To reject others creates an imbalance in our personal environment. As we think of the rejection that we have experienced, we go through emotional pain; furthermore, we may be subjected to physical or emotional pain, the person who is rejecting us, is endeavoring to gain our personal energy or power status.

As we think of the situation we place all of our personal power and energy into this situation. The person who has rejected us feels the power of our thoughts, because of all of the thought energy that we have directed their way. We have accepted their rejection and others have taken our energy through the elements of life force.

The environment in one way or another has its effect on everyone that lives. Anyone who has had a sad moment or has cried has been affected by the environment. We are the environments, and the way we all think has its impact upon the Earth. Everything we think and feel has an effect on the Earth. This is our time of existence and I will show you how to unfold the power that is within you.

We move through our environmental life lessons in cycles. These examples will help give an understanding of how the environment affects us and these are called the cycles of life.


Let’s have a look at the cycle of life lessons.

When we are first born we know what we are here to overcome.

We understand this through our feelings and I believe it is beneficial to explore re-birthing techniques. Up to the age of eight our parents are semi -Gods. We love them unconditionally. It does not matter if your parents physically or emotionally abuse you, you still see them as Gods and you love them dearly. You are born into your lesson and your parents, and the environment is part of the lesson, which you have chosen. We all wish to be loved and accepted, by our family, our friends, and all of the people that we meet.

We are born into our lesson, and we are born into an environment that holds our lesson.

Once the child reaches puberty, they are developing their own perceptions of the world, and in their late teens, see their parents as a way not to live their lives.

The Young adult looks upon their parents and their lives, as an alien race.

The age gap is huge and the young adult is out to conquer the world and push the personal boundaries that every insurance company knows only to well.

Once the young adult has established him or herself and developed a career or studied in university, they are single and enjoying the world and all it has to offer.

Life is good and they have the whole of their lives to live.

The young adults are going out and testing their skills in relationships.

One day the young adults decide to live with a partner and they have a lot in common and have lots of money. Both partners are working and all is well.

Then one day she falls pregnant. One partner has to look after the baby and possibly work part-time, while the other has to compensate and take more responsibility.

Then out of the blue, they have more children and now they need a larger house, new furniture and all the things that go with it.

One partner now is working more hours than God can provide, to keep up with the pace of life.

Then one day they look back to when they were young adults. They realize that they have done the same as their parents; all of the hopes and dreams of their childhood have come to nothing, or are half-finished.

Then they try to catch up with all of the things that they wanted to do throughout their life, and this is called the mid-life crisis.

The cycle has come full circle. For example; If you were born in a western country, your experience would be very different than if you were born in a Middle Eastern country or a tropical island. If your parents are doctors or lawyers, the chances are that your child will want to grow up to be a lawyer or a professional.

THE CYCLES OF LIFE. Middle world

As humans beings we are cyclic; what I mean by this is we move through our life lessons in cycles. We flow through emotional cycles.

Lessons come in cycles and these cycles are approximately from three to six months; the length of the frequency of these cycles varies amongst individuals because we are all different.

With some people the time will be shorter and others a little bit longer because we are all different; we all have different gifts and tools to carry us through life. Let us imagine a circle with success at the top and fear at the bottom. In the middle is our safety zone.

We all like feeling safe but throughout life, we are forced to change, as the Earth, Cosmos, and the Universe are changing; we have to change with them, and we fight change. One hundred years ago the world was a very different place. The first flight was in 1903 and parts of the planet were still unpopulated, with lush rain forest.

The world was a very difficult place to move around because of global conflict and slow modes of transport; now we can travel the world in a day, making it a very small place to live, and old ways of perceiving the world will change through time, as they always have done. We no longer think the planet is flat.

No person’s experience of life will be the same as that of another; even if we had another head growing on our shoulders, life experiences would differ because our attitude towards life and how we encounter confrontation will be different.

We create our own Universe by what we think our environment is to us; the truth is the environment creates who we think we are.

For example, have you ever been in love with someone else?

After the initial meeting, you have found someone with whom you have a lot in common.

You search for common likes and dislikes. You have connected to someone and through this connection, you are flowing with positive energy or love. You value this person and feel wonderful that this person actually likes you for you. You feel that you are loved and accepted. Even when you are separate from this person, your thoughts flow to each other and you both think that the experience is wonderful.

As you go into the world, it is as if the world has a golden glow around it.

You seem to meet people, who are holding hands [possibly it’s the first time in years, but there they are holding hands today, for you] and the world seems wonderful. It is as if the whole world is in love with you.

In contrast, have you ever had a bad news day? It is as if the whole world is out to get you. You wake up and feel terrible.

You have had a terrible night’s sleep, the last thing you feel like doing, is going to work.

You spill coffee down your shirt and cannot find a clean one. You have difficulty starting the car; on the way to work you encounter every red traffic light on the way, making you late and irate.

You have endured a number of car drivers who showed aggression and it’s as if every driver on the road is out to abuse you. When you get to work, what can go wrong will go wrong. Welcome to cause and affect. What we say and do create energy.

So be careful of what you say and do, because what you say and do to others; will happen to you.

When we are in love we are showing care and forgiveness towards others, this creates the environment to show care and forgiveness to you.

When we are hit with a lesson we feel pain and this pain brings change. When we are hit with a lesson we slowly fall below our safety zone, and the size of the cycle will dictate the effectiveness of the change.

If we fall to the bottom of the cycle, we fall into depression and this is where we can find drugs, alcohol, and gambling addiction. We attempt to avoid our lessons.

The simple fact is that when the environment has not accepted us we have to find alternative forms of relief. Unfortunately, our lessons are there when we wake up and follow us around because they are our lessons.

We can hide in our house or on top of a mountain; as soon as we go outside or come down from our mountain, there is our lesson staring us in the face because it is the way we perceive our environment with us in it.

Our lessons that come to us throughout life are there to bring change, and we all have lessons to learn throughout life.

Whether we find that we are living life similar to the Dalai Lama, or a prisoner in jail, we will all have lessons and we endeavor to get through life with the limited knowledge that we have of the world.

There is really very little difference; after all we are all human, with karmic opportunities that we have created through our life and lives, and we all earn karma, positive and negative. Deep within us we all know what we are meant to be doing with our lives, but through fear and insecurity, hang on to our safety zones, even if it is on a subconscious level. At one-time safety, zones would have been a necessary part of our survival.

A few hundred years ago, to be traveling would have been a great risk to our safe zones, because this could have meant our immediate death, due to tribal boundaries, conflict, and war.

We fear our lessons, and as change opens up new possibilities to our life, we are all in fear of not being accepted, loved, or hurt, emotionally or physically. The cycle runs like this:

Security of being,







Covert hostility,



Death. or Suicide

We live our lives within the cycles of life, these flow between our fear of death and suicide, to the security of being.

CYCLE OF LIFE Upper world

When we are first born, we are given love and acceptance unconditionally.

The human race is enough evidence that we were given enough love and acceptance to survive. Through life we seek unconditional love and acceptance, but others do not give us seek other formats and ways to gain our energy.

For example:

Let’s say that two young parents have a baby.

This new baby has all of the love and attention that these two young parents can give.

The new baby doesn’t come with a rule book or operation instructions, but the young parents try to give much love and attention as possible to their new child.

The child grows up, expecting a certain amount of attention.

After a few years, young parents have another child.

The young parents only have so much time in the day; this new child needs just as much attention as the first child.

More time is taken with the new child because of restless sleep and new feeding times.

They try to give both children the same amount of love and energy but are unfortunately only human, as we all are.

The first child soon realizes that he or she isn’t getting the same attention as the new child.

So what does the first child start to do? The first child starts acting in different ways that are purely out of character.

The first child becomes naughty. Standing in front of the TV, smashing things, and prepared to do anything for attention or energy.

Even in the extreme situation where the first child is berated, it is getting the attention or energy that they feel they deserve.

What the child wants is your energy; we are all naughty children. Energy is energy and it doesn’t matter how we attain it, we desire energy. Money is not the true currency of the world, energy is. We will do anything for energy, as the human condition; we are prepared to do just about anything to get it. If we are not given enough love and attention when we are children we are wounded and endeavor to find alternative ways to access energy. These forms of accessing energy are learned from others and very destructive to other people. For example:

Why would anyone wish to be a control freak?

Certain individuals become control freaks because they are in fear of being controlled themselves.

When a control freak starts shouting out their orders they feel good and secure that they are in charge.

They don’t know why they are doing it, other than that they feel good and energized while ordering others around.

The people who are being ordered around don’t feel comfortable and may resent or dislike the situation.

They possibly may even feel fearful of the situation, thinking of all the things that they would like to say, or do to the controller; they hold themselves in fear of taking action, in fear of reprisal or confrontation.

It may reach a point that after work they think of the control freak continually giving their energy to the situation on a continual basis; this will only end up draining us and making us ill.

Why would anyone want to be a passive-aggressive?

Passive-aggressive behavior is one of the most powerful ways to drain a person because it follows the main principle for the need of love and acceptance. Let’s say a person has moved to a new job or area. The person feels vulnerable because they have a new position to learn and new people to work with.

Let’s say that they are accepted and find that the people are happy to have the new person with them, they all are saying how wonderful you are and how good you are to be with.

Then out of the blue, you are ignored or put down.

You feel that you have done something terribly wrong to be treated this way, and try every avenue to reach the same level of acceptance that you enjoyed before. Every time that you ask, “What is the matter”, they either ignore you or you are abused.

You feel responsible for their actions and feel rejected and terribly hurt. For weeks or days you try to find new ways to be accepted, and all fall by the wayside.

When you are in your private moments, you spend time thinking of the situation and how you can be accepted once more, to the point of either getting angry or making yourself ill.

Passive-aggressive behavior is like giving a child a sweet with one hand and smacking him with the other.

Once the passive-aggressive thinks that they have you in a comfortable position, they go for the emotional jugular, and reject or attack you to the full effect; this will cause maximum personal energy loss for the poor person it affects.

Out of all of the attributes of working negatively, to the environment, passive aggression is the most effective in damaging self-esteem, because it attacks the inner need for love and acceptance by others.

Why would anyone wish to be a victim?

Victims are people who have suffered the loss of their identity through abuse by another.

Out of all of the energy formats, this is one of the most unusual. Victims normally follow the format that we all wish to help our fellow man and are non-aggressive to the point of extreme.

They will endeavor to manipulate a person by using guilt tactics and puppy dog eyes to get what they want.

Victims will always have a sorry story to tell. They draw as much compassion out of a person or a group as possible. They never really wish to move forward with their lives. You can give advice or positive responses as much as you like to help the victim.

The victims will endeavor to respond to the help, but once they feel that they have done enough, they will fall to their old ways, normally to the frustration of the person trying to help the victim.

Why do victims do this? It is where they are getting their energy. They will go from one sorry story to the next and wait poised for the next person who will lend them a careful unsuspecting ear.

By the way, we are all victims in one way or another. We are all going through lessons in life and in one time of your life others would have victimized you.

Let’s say that we have been invited to a party or a large function.

You only know one person there and feel a little vulnerable. You immediately put on a reflection: An emotional coat that you think will fit the situation to hide behind. This is what you show to others. This is also called the shadow. The shadow is what we present to others to fit into the situation. Let’s say that a soldier has single-handedly taken a machine gun post and killed the entire enemy. After the event, every one sees him as a hero. Throughout life, people know him as a brave person and he enjoys the publicity as a hero. He is presenting himself as the hero. However, directly proportional to his brave front will be a person who is fearful.

Whatever we present to others, there is a directly proportional shadow behind us.

For example:

Resentment- forgiveness

Fear- love

Anger- harmony and so on.

As you look around the room you can see different people in their groups, all showing different behavioral patterns.

Some groups are laughing, whereas others are more serious and look more daunting. Some people pass you and you feel very comfortable; other people you want to miss with a barge pole.

The question you have to ask is why?

We attract to us people who are in the same lesson as us or have similar energy feelings to us. This covers relationships and friends.

We connect invisible cords, which go out from us to people that we like, as well as people that we don’t like.

Let’s say that there is a person in the room that you feel very uncomfortable around. This person seems to follow you all over the room.

Every time you look up, this person is either looking towards you or seems to be talking about you.

This person has connected to you. You may feel happy about this situation or threatened, knowing that there is a connection without your consent. Soon you meet face to face with the person, who either compliments you or abuses you. Either way, the connection has been made. Now you have the opportunity to react to the situation. How you react will dictate the strength of the connection.

If the person is passive-aggressive you will feel uneasy with the situation; the passive-aggressive person will be full of compliments and false smiles, waiting for the opportunity of lulling you into a false sense of security. If you feel very comfortable with the connection, the person is positive, and a positive meeting is set in place. Listen to your feelings; they will tell you who and what is safe.

Why would anyone want to be a politician and have the responsibility of a country? Power and energy.

While politicians are making decisions for you, they have your power.

Why would anyone wish to fight in a boxing ring?

Let’s say two five-year-old children are going into a ring to hit each other for half an hour until they are black and blue.

Any child would have the sense not to partake in such a pointless act. Adults fight for energy; the winner takes all.

The loser has found a limitation or boundary and is no longer playing God. He has lost.

Fear comes in and then the loser starts thinking of what should have been said or what should have been done to win.

The winner has already won and is looking for the next conquest. The loser has found limitation and during the time of pondering on the limitation, gives all of the energy away to the victor with the use of their thoughts.

Thoughts create energy and are instant. To think of anyone through fear and anger will drain you.

You can say, what does this have to do with healing?

It has everything to do with the way we live our lives and the things that drain us in an emotional and energy process.

Through this, you can see that we do things and interact with people for energy.

Lifeforce energy is all around us.

To every pain, there is a locked emotion and when we are drained of energy we feel pain.

The Universe is not that cruel; to give us lessons that we cannot overcome.

All lessons are within the reach of our personal understanding. The environment will bring you the answer in the form of a lesson.

You can say, what happens with global disasters where thousands of people are killed, or war?

This is the way the Earth cleans the karma of the world.

The world is a small place and conflict needs to be cleared, to move forward in the growth pattern of the Earth.

You can see world conflict as daunting as a child who wants control of another child, going through their lessons of life.

Over the last century, we have seen two wars that have changed the world in a huge way.

Sometimes to have two countries in conflict will develop a race for superiority on a great scale.

Let’s say that on a grand scale a person six foot five would have an advantage if the average size of the people were two foot six.

The larger person can bully the people around and make them listen, through fear of getting hurt.

Let’s say that one day one of the little people has had enough of the bullying and injustice, and decides to punch the big fellow in the eye; once the punch is delivered the six-foot five-person may get a fright.

The big person may go as far as trying to make an example of the little fellow.

This doesn’t stop the fact that he was punched in the face.

The big fellow starts to compensate by hurting lots of little fellows for no reason, but this only starts to build up the resentment.

One day all of the little fellows decide that they have had enough injustice, and they all punch the big fellow.

The big fellow lives in the same fear, that he placed the little fellows in, for the rest of his life.

Why do people stay in abusive relationships?

There is a number of ways humans can abuse each other in the energy format: physically, sexually, and emotionally. Each one is as destructive as the other. They are all born from the need to overpower the other in the relationship.

How does this work?

Let’s say that you meet someone and you are searching for the common denominator, which is a solid relationship, formed from love.

You meet someone that is compatible with you. The relationship is built up over a time period normally lasting from six weeks to six months; let’s say we call this the “honeymoon period.”

The relationship cords are strong and love is powerful. Each partner thinks positively towards each other.

After the honeymoon period, the partners have built a solid foundation for the relationship, built from love and affection.

However, the honeymoon period can only last for a short period of time.

Partners need to find a common interest and start living their own lives within the foundation of the relationship.

Prior to this time, the relationship was strong and each partner delivered a strong love connection with each other through the cord of love. Now that the relationship has a solid format they endeavor to live their lives together as partners. However if one of the partners is insecure they will start to feel as if the love connection is getting weaker. They don’t know what is wrong but feel that they are not getting the love that they received before. Then out of the blue with little provocation, the insecure partner will attack the other partner. Once the attack is over, the insecure one will promise never to attack again, to reassure the trust between each partner.

However, these attacks will start again as soon as the insecure one feels that the cord of connection is beginning to weaken.

There may be a lot of attacks or infrequent attacks, but there will always be attacks.

The relationship now is based on fear not love; fear is flowing through the cord of connection and as soon as the abused partner starts to feel relaxed with the situation the other partner will attack with very little or no provocation.

The only way to resolve this situation is to get out of the relationship.

It is not based on love, and will always be destructive to each partner as a whole.

For example: if someone was to meet another for the first time, and physically, sexually or mentally abused the other, there would be little hope for a relationship.

The insecure and abusive partners know how to play the game of abuse as they have also been abused themselves, and if they are in denial of their behavior the only way to a solution is to set yourself free from the situation and leave.

The cycles of life affect us throughout our lives; if we are not aware of how they affect us in our daily lives, they can be quite destructive and others that we love around us.

I have included the “Desiderata” to finish off the cycles of life. The Desiderata was written in 1692 in Baltimore, USA. The Desiderata was found in old St Paul’s Church and gives an excellent example of how to live our lives in a perfect way.




Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.


Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not bend you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.


Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love: for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.


Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.


You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.


Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.


With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.



Depression comes from the need to better oneself.

People who are depressed have certainly felt the forces of fear and evil turned towards them.

Fear and evil are the tools that turn humanity back into love.

I will explain this more in detail as I go through the book.

Depression is well named because we are depressing our thoughts and energy towards the lower aspects of our body, our lower spinal area, which is connected to what we love personally on a vibration level.

Within this vibration level, we are focusing our thoughts [energy] to our lower chakra system that is directly connected to our personal values of who we are as a person in relation to our personal values of what we love.

Understand that it is because you are intelligent, that you feel the need to depress. In fact, all that has happened is others in the environment reject the way we feel towards ourselves, while we are focusing our personal energy to Earth or the lower chakra levels. We do this to help move forward with our lives and be more accepted by others.

During this period we can feel drained by the life we have created for ourselves in the environment because of our own feelings of rejection towards ourselves. Unfortunately the more we try to be accepted and overcome our rejection, the more rejected and less accepted we become, because the environment is a reflection of us, and acceptance has to come from oneself.

In times like these, we feel isolated and alone, which is the way it is meant to be to bring personal growth to oneself.

Once you realize the situation is worthless, and decide to change direction with your personal perceptions of whom and what you are as a person…

Once you decide that you have put yourself through enough torture and stop thinking about how and what others think about you and stop giving your energy away, you may begin to realize that you are a child of God and God wishes you to be here. No one is any better than anyone else, and if others cannot accept you for whom you are, that is their personal lesson in acceptance. Please understand that when you are endeavoring to live up to other people’s expectations, you are not being true to yourself. Once you are honest to yourself you will find a way to release negativity from the situation and set yourself free.

Living up to other people’s expectations is accepting others to rule you as a higher authority, and giving your personal divinity to them.

We are all here for lessons. No one is perfect; if we were, we wouldn’t be here. We would have reached a higher plane of existence through rebirth, so don’t let the gift of life get you down.

You are more than you think you are.

How does depression work on an energy level?

Earth energy is a lot heavier than the universal energy of love.

To depress is to focus on the energy of the earth, which will make us feel lethargic and heavy.

You can witness this by observing people walking with their shoulders forward and head; looking down to the ground; it’s as if they are focusing upon the earth with their thoughts, and holding the world upon their shoulders at the same time.

As humans, we know what we want and we know what we don’t want. The way in which I look at life is, if I feel that something is wrong, there generally is something wrong.

If I feel that I am being led astray, I generally have been led astray.

We all have the ability to think clearly.

The only reason why humans fall into disarray and not think clearly is the need to do what is right by others and endeavoring to live up to other people’s expectations too high. Normally during this time period, we find that we are honest to everyone else, but not to ourselves. We are dis-empowering ourselves and allowing ourselves to place too many people into our decision -making in a need for approval from others.

The only reason the clarity of thinking is unclear is that we are thinking of others as higher than ourselves. The key is to be honest; others can only control us if we allow them to.

If the situation does not feel right, it isn’t. Why the situation isn’t right is because you are being dishonest with yourself and allowing others to control your life. You are not a tree, rooted to the Earth; you have the freedom of choice as we all do.

If others cannot accept you as a divine being with every right to live and breathe, who are they to judge?

Follow your dreams. Your dreams have the power to reach your full potential in life.

If you take the “me” out of dreamed, you are left with dread.


What is a Psychic attack? Psychic attack is to think negatively toward someone in the environment.

Creating a picture in one’s mind of doing negative things to that person will create the experience.

However, with every action, there is a reaction. This sort of thinking will also create a negative experience for oneself, which is the law of cause and effect and our karmic debt to humanity.

For example; when we are in love you are thinking positively towards the environment and expressing your love to another person; obviously, you are visualizing positive thoughts of love.

When you find someone you dislike for whatever reason, you think negative thoughts and this creates negative experiences for oneself.

The simple fact is that if you are angry, you are only angry with yourself for letting the situation happen in the first place as well as having feelings of rejection and non-acceptance.

It is a simple human condition that you are not going to be liked by everyone all of the time. How many times have pop idols reached the pinnacle of their career only to be shot down in flames with “bad press” and common indifference? You are only human to accept it.

We are all going through the humility of life and we are here to make mistakes. The thoughts that we think on a daily basis create the energy of our experiences. Our thoughts create the feelings and these feelings flow into our actions either communicative or physical. What we think can affect others through the use of our thoughts. Winners feel energized and losers feel drained. When we lose we think of the situation and draw the energy of the experience to us. The winner has already won and receives the loser’s energy in full. All humans cannot be winners all of the time so life is a win, lose situation.

To use a psychic attack on people is simple and easy to perform. People have found fear as a useful tool to use in life, provoking a group to intimidate people around them making others fearful of reprisals or conflict.

People who have found fear as a useful tool in life may choose a quarry and focus all their fear tactics on one person, making the quarries live an absolute misery, possibly to the point of manic depression. The fear maker is using bullying techniques and a very sad person indeed, anyone who has suffered an attack from a fear maker has to understand that the only way the fear maker can find relief from their fear, is to make others more fearful than themselves.


If you find yourself in a situation of being bullied by another and find that you cannot get yourself out of fear, source a higher authority to resolve the situation; the fear maker is a natural coward to be in the situation of having to use fear to access energy to sustain life force from others. Unfortunately, the bullying may be resolved, but the fear of the situation may exist with us for years, culminating in a continuation of similar events happening throughout our life because of our thoughts drawing the fear towards our life experience. We get in life what we think, to be placed in this unfortunate situation can create similar situations in our lives; even if it’s the last thing that we want to create for ourselves, thinking about the past events can create similar events for us.

The quickest way to resolve the fear in our lives is to change the past through visualization techniques. For those who find these techniques difficult please understand that you visualize every day with the use of your imagination; you don’t have to close your eyes to use visualization techniques.

The technique is a simple formula that love and fear cannot exist within the same experience. Imagine the past situation that has brought fear into your life. As you think the past situation imagines love flowing around the person or situation involved in the form of pink light; at first you may feel anger, resentful or negative towards this situation, keep imagining pink light flowing over the situation regardless of what you feel. Please accept that the fear no longer exists within this past situation when you place love over it. Deep within your subconscious, you will be bringing changes within your life because you have the choice to use fear or love.

Love is the last thing the fear- maker is relying upon and this will resolve the situation by reflecting the negativity back to the fear maker. Every time that you think of fearful situations that have occurred throughout your life place pink light over the situation and depending on the ferocity of the experience, they will disappear leaving you free to live a full and happy life. This is the way of love and love is stronger than fear.


How does mental imaging work on the physical human body?

I have thought long and hard to give the most powerful explanation of how mental image causes reactions throughout the physical body.

I apologize if I offend anyone with this example. However, it is the best example that I can think of that proves mental images have a physical effect on the human body. Mental imaging sets off chemical reactions in the body that can either works positively or negatively. If we are thinking negative thoughts we are creating negative reactions throughout our body. If we are thinking positive thoughts we are creating positive reactions throughout our body. The best example of this is the human act of masturbation. First, we must have a mental image that we find arousing and sexy. What I mean by this statement is that you cannot be aroused with thoughts of cleaning a car, unless you have, or desire, a sexual relationship with a car. Once the desired mental image is set in the mind, thinking of images that are relating to a sexual experience creates the chemicals in our bodies similar to those experienced during sexual intercourse. The lips of the mouth start to swell, the sexual organs begin to swell and secretions flow through the vagina; this process is enhanced by physically touching the sexual regions, in unison with mental imaging to create the experience of ejaculation in the male or orgasm in the female. Thus creating a physical reaction, similar to sexual intercourse; this shows the power that mental imaging can have on the human body.

This book is set in a way to create positive chemical reactions throughout the physical body as you read the pages.

There are hidden keys written within each story to develop a healing formula that will open the door to the true potential that is within us all. As we read through the pages, chemicals are releasing throughout your body in the form of feelings.


Life is a journey of lessons and we learn on the greatest University of all called planet Earth. Once you learn to accept your feelings your guides will tutor you throughout your life until graduation.

Follow the steps to change your life within seven days as you go through the exercises to channel your guides.

Humans channel energy on a daily basis to enhance their lives without even knowing that they are doing so.

These exercises will help you gain a greater understanding of who you are as a person. Acknowledge your feelings as you attune yourself to the Universal self. You will feel some exercises more powerfully than others. The reason for this is we are all unique and aligned to different energy groups. This is what makes each and every one of us unique. Do not be disheartened if you feel very little to begin with

Please make yourself as comfortable as possible and sit on a cushion or lie flat on the floor. Anyone can benefit from these exercises because they will attune you to the power that you truly are.

This section is set into a seven-day transformation process. Each story has hidden keys that are designed to bring changes by creating positive chemicals within the body through the use of our thoughts. There are seven universal stories and one Cosmic story. The seven Universal stories will unlock the cosmic story. The seven Universal stories are Seven Keys that will unlock the cosmic self. This will give us the ability to change our lives and remove negative self-beliefs that we have of ourselves. These changes may be subtle, to begin with, but through time your lives will change for the better as negativity is removed and positive energy is drawn into our lives, imagine a magnet drawing positive energy into your life and repelling negativity.

Each story is set in its own format to bring through the power of oneself